Education – Ptunarra Child and Family Centre

Ptunarra Child and Family Centre in New Norfolk is a welcoming and accessible community facility in a disadvantaged socioeconomic area, offering play-centred educational programs to pre-school children. An interior play spine and circulation axis runs the length of the building. Sheltered from Tasmanian weather, children’s exploration and play is punctuated with hiding, climbing and sliding fun. The spine extends externally to a play tower. A drop-in kitchen/lounge, as well as training, meeting and consultation rooms allow accompanying parents to relax or participate in community programs. The non-institutional atmosphere attracts use, supports access to otherwise difficult-to-deliver services, builds community and combats social isolation. Natural materials, light and ventilation create a homely, healthy and emotionally uplifting experience. Passive solar design creates a comfortable, energy-efficient environment. Significant energy savings mean more of the annual working budget is available for social programs, including artist residencies and music therapy for children in child protection. Bi-fold doors achieve a pavilion-like feel, bringing a positive presence to public open space that was previously notorious for attracting antisocial behaviour. Passive surveillance and the sense of ownership and pride in the centre have brought dramatic change to the atmosphere, use and safety of the park, forging social renewal in the area.

Morrison & Breytenbach Architects

Structural, civil consultant – Gandy and Roberts Consulting Engineers
Electrical, mechanical, fire consultant – ECOS
Hydraulic consultant – Gandy and Roberts Consulting Engineers
Landscape consultant – Lindsay Campbell Landscape Design
Acoustic consultant – Vipac Engineers & Scientists
Cost consultant – WT Partnership
Photographer – Ray Joyce
Photographer – Yvette Breytenbach
Building surveyor – Peter Angus

Builder – Maveric Builders
Construction manager – Frank de Hoog