Day 5 – London

Bright eyed and bushy tailed we set out on our second day in London!..and dare I say it, we have even been treated a weeee little sunshine!.
What a day!…covering all ends of the profession, treated to in-depth conversations with some of London’s finest…First cab off the rank CRAB Studio…common threads of the notion of ‘quality’ and the place of craft in the profession were hot topics and eagerly discussed – young emerging minds bouncing our ideas around with seasoned pro in Mark, was an amazing way to start the day, and left our merry little band nattering and ‘pinging’ off the walls as we weaved our way though the streets to Zaha….ah yes Zaha, what an experience, whimsical forms & the chance of getting behind the scenes with a vast array models & concept drawings was incredibly insightful and at a scale that needs to be seen to be believed!….scale being the question left hanging in all our minds….

MUF & then the Archi foundation both sporting an inspiring dedication to the community…Archi Foundation setting an amazing example of independent advocacy of the profession, and a great little lane way intervention with Gibons Rent!

Stanton Williams, these chaps know how to rock and roll, sticking to their guns, with a hands on honest approach!…and models, WOW! fantastic to see a practice of this scale using models, exquisite detail models through to rough & ready massing…fantastic to see! – was a treat….and a common thread in all practices to date, the use of models is really heartening to see and something I’m looking forward to ramp up back home!

Pecha Kucha at the RIBA, & after a few medicinal beverages to steady the nerves…not from fear of public spectical but rather to balance out the copious amount of caffeine consumed…we had the pleasure of showing what 5 kiddy-winks from downunder can do! What an opportunity, amazing fun, a good old chat, righting the wrongs of the world…what a blast and more great times to come!


Check out more images at #duluxstudytour and follow me on instagram or twitter @_seanhumphries


